Non chronological report writing

Today we continued to work on our non chronological reports. We thought about our air resistance and water resistance sections before moving onto mechanisms. We used our expedition work to support us with this as well as the anchor charts we had created. We have tried really hard to work on the work hard howl, especially trying our best even when we are challenged.

We have also started assessment week. We completed our grammar, punctuation and spelling test today. Well done MI for ensuring you had a positive attitude throughout.

UKS2 Netball tournament washout! 🌧🌊

Unfortunately, UKS2 were not able to complete their netball tournament. After 1 and a half games, the heavens opened and soaked us to our bones. The tournament was then cancelled.

Despite this, we were so excited to get playing and give it our very best, in a sport where our experience is limited. Even though we only played for a few moments, we learned quickly how to play effective netball. Finding space, speedy passes and using team work to score a goal.

Sadly, we will have to wait before we can play anymore games in a netball tournament. Check out our photos, including our Mrs Rhodes brolly photo. It wouldn’t be a tournament without us being huddled under the brolly!

Remembrance Crew in MI

Today we thought about and discussed remembrance day. We watched different clips to help us understand what remembrance day is and to generate further discussions. We then worked collaboratively to make a variety of poppy wreaths.

Focussed writing in MI

Today we continued to plan and write our non chronological report. Today we finished off our gravity section and started to think about the facts we wanted in our fact boxes. We are looking forward to adding the work we have produced to our A3 spread.

A busy day in MI

We started our day with our caring curriculum in Crew. Here we thought about friendship and what makes a good friendship.

We also made a start on our non chronological reports in writing and started to think about our gravity sections. We thought about the subheading and built our sentences using our gold and green targets. Tomorrow we will finish our chunk 2 then edit and improve our work. We are also looking forward to building an interesting fact box which we hope will engage our reader further.

In maths we thought about mixed numbers and improper fractions and converted between both. We built an anchor chart together before applying to our books. We then looked at subtracting fractions!

Some great work in MI today! πŸ™‚

FAO Y6 Parents/carersY6 SATs Week w/c 8th May 2023

Dear Y6 Parents,

Please see below dates for your diaries of SATS week. As I’m sure you can appreciate, attendance is vital in this week due not been able to have resits.

Please see below timetable for KS2 Y6 SATs week:

Assessments are as follows:

Monday 8th May – Grammar, punctuation and spelling paper

Tuesday 9th May – Reading paper

Wednesday 10th May – Arithmetic paper, Reasoning paper 1

Thursday 11th May – Reasoning paper 2

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us,

Y6 Crew.

Exploring our new text in reading

MI started to explore the front cover and blurb of our new text. We explored the layout thinking about what the text may be about. We then worked collaboratively in a vocabulary challenge where we matched words from the front cover to definitions. We then linked this back to our guiding question and expedition. We then made predictions based on the front cover thinking about what we may read about, the different sections in the book and linking our ideas to books with similar themes.

Witches and Wizards Disco

Don’t forget to sign up for the Halloween Witches and Wizards disco, taking place tomorrow. 

If you would like your child to attend please ensure you have signed up before 3pm today! Unfortunately we can not accept payment any later due to organising refreshments and staffing.

All children will enter through their classroom doors tomorrow for the disco at 3.30pm where they will be registered if payment has been made. We ask that children are collected at 4.30pm from their classroom doors.