Fantastic p.e session today with Crew MI and Crew Boswell learning more techniques in taekwondo.

Fantastic p.e session today with Crew MI and Crew Boswell learning more techniques in taekwondo.
We created anchor charts to support us with some of our arithmetic questions 🙂
Some great work on our beautiful work display. Well done everyone 🙂
Some great writing in MI 🙂 Such positive attitudes shown throughout this piece of writing. I look forward to reading your final versions after you have edited and redrafted.
Today we looked at and unpicked our last arithmetic paper. After some modelling, we used our purple pen to have another go at the questions we got incorrectly. Some great partner work shown 🙂 MI you really are showing great improvements in arithmetic, keep it up!
It was challenge crew yesterday morning and it was too funny not to share. The children worked in pairs to take it in turns to give instructions on how to draw something. They soon realised that they had to have good communication skills and be really clear and specific with their instructions to make sure their partner knew what to draw. It was such a great activity which we call enjoyed. We were all laughing our heads off! Here are the results… some are better than others!! Have a great extended weekend.
Over the long weekend, we are asking children to read chapter 3 and 4 of our class reading book ‘Clean Getaway’. We know they’ve been really enjoying reading this in class and would like to give them the opportunity to read for pleasure at home. Happy reading! 📖
(Scan the first QR code for chapter 3 and the second QR code for chapter 4)
Wow, wow, wow!!!! What a fantastic afternoon we had in MI consolidating some of the arithmetic skills we needed more practice on. Yesterday we unpicked our test paper, looking at different examples together and we also used each other as effective coaches. Today we applied what we had practised yesterday and took part in a carousel of activities to really challenge our arithmetic skills. We rotated round a variety of fraction stations, decimal stations and also looked at different written methods. We were given a partner who we had to support throughout the afternoon and what a fantastic job we all did. Some amazing learning and such wonderful positive attitudes were shown throughout. I am incredibly proud of the learning that took place!
Well done to everyone in MI who has now delivered their Student Led Conference. Myself and Mrs Ibbotson are so incredibly proud of each and every one of you. Your hard work and dedication really did pay off and we both loved listening to you all reflecting on your achievements and challenging yourself further. You should all be super proud of yourselves.
Last Friday was our first experience day of our new writing unit. We watched a clip of a girl who attended the Martin Luther King Jr’s speech. We reflected on what we had seen then built ideas from the clip using our senses and some of the writing lenses. We took part in a gallery walk to magpie ideas for our mini crew and praised each groups ideas. Finally, we built some figurative language based on what we will write about in plot point 1 of our setting descriptions.
Today we took part in a grammar day with a focus on cohesive devices. We firstly watched some clips looking at main clauses and subordinate clauses. We consolidated our knowledge through a variety of activities before building our own sentences using subordinating conjunctions within sentences and at the start of sentences. We worked with our partner well to move sentences around. During our afternoon session, we looked at adverbials and experimented with prepositional phrases. We unpicked a model of writing then finally built our own sentences using different adverbials and prepositional phrases. Here you can see some of our work as well as our anchor chart showing all the work we have built together. I can’t wait for you to get writing PP1.