Some fantastic writing in MI…

Some fantastic writing in MI…
Today we developed our knowledge on how to answer 2 and 3 mark questions that refer to mood and atmosphere. We used APE to support our answers and worked collaboratively to structure our points. Finally we worked independently then allowed our partners to offer critique on our answers. A really great lesson MI 🙂
A positive attitude by all in magic maths today! Some great collaborative working too 🙂 We are currently consolidating our work on fractions.
The children have really enjoyed doing dance where they have been split into groups and now making their own dance routine.
MI’s sentence stackers…
Great resilience today when exploring a poetry text. We explored the text, unpicked the vocabulary and thought about the hidden meanings and what the authors messages were within the text. Some great discussions and ideas raised 🙂
Today we consolidated our learning on semi colons. We are getting much more confident when using a semi colon in our writing. We will apply our learning to our next piece of writing later in the week.
Today we continued our work on ratio by looking at how we use a scale factor to enlarge shapes. Great work today MI, such positive attitudes throughout. You also supported each other to achieve by working collaboratively. Fab Howls this morning 🙂
Today we recognised how we are feeling and how we regulate our thoughts and behaviour. We talked about what makes us happy and sad then compared this to being angry and calm. During our crew activity, we played a game where we voiced an emotion and talked about a time when we have felt the emotion. This was a great opportunity to share different feelings and emotions with our mini crew. Our debrief included discussions on positive thoughts and having a positive attitude. We discussed that its ok to not be ok but we discussed how we help ourselves to achieve the best versions of us.
On Tuesday 7th February we celebrated Safer Internet Day 2023, attached are the slides we created to showcase our thoughts and ideas.
Internet Safety or E-Safety is an integral part of children’s education in today’s digital world and is embedded in their learning at school. At Carcroft School we want to help our parents and children improve their own understanding of e-safety issues so they can learn to use the internet and all digital media in a safe and secure way.
As a parent/carer you’ll know how important the internet is to children – they use it to learn, play, socialise and express themselves. But the technology children use every day can seem a bit daunting and you might worry about the risks your child can face online – such as bullying, contact from strangers or the possibility of them seeing illegal or inappropriate content.
To try and help parents/carers with the fast moving and changing world of internet and social media we’ve suggested a few internet sites. You can also read/download the documents for further information and advice.