A great first day back in MI

We started our day with a morning task around formal and informal language and the children worked hard to unpick the questions, discussing their answers with a partner then voicing their thoughts. We built on this in our main grammar session where we thought more about Standard and Non Standard English.

In our arithmetic session we looked at misconceptions from our previous arithmetic paper then applied our knowledge to a variety of questions.

In our maths lesson we looked at coordinates across 4 quadrants. We took part in a range of activities plotting coordinates, finding coordinates and making shapes. We then applied our knowledge to some reasoning and problem solving questions which really challenged our thinking.

Chotting in MI

Today we started thinking about our next piece of writing, a character description. We focussed on the appearance of the character from our newspaper article, chotting lots of different language and vocabulary that we could use. We then started to think about figurative language and built some ideas in mini crews. We then applied some of the chotting we did to our own sentences. We will use these tomorrow when we start to write our plot point.