Mindful colouring

In crew, we completed some mindful colouring to work on our fine motor skills and pencil grip as well as our focus and concentration. We made sure we were using the correct pencil grip and writing posture as well as staying in the lines.

Mindfulness Crew

Due to use having no community meeting this week, we took the opportunity to have a mindfulness crew session instead. This was such a lovely activity where we listened to instrumental music and used our pencil/pen to outline a splatter of paint. You could have heard a pin drop in our classroom yesterday morning. Definitely something we’ll be doing again.

Crew Challenge

In Crew challenge this week, we had to work together as a small crew to keep the balloon from touching the floor. We realised very quickly that we needed to use small taps and try to hit it straight up. Some great team work.

Citizenship crew in MI

Today we started to talk about our responsibilities towards a team. We thought about why it is important that everyone on a team fulfils their responsibilities. We worked in mini crews to think about what our responsibilities are as children. We thought about what these may be in school, at home and whilst in the local community. We produced an anchor chart with all our ideas. We then thought about how these compare to adults. We discussed respect in more detail and respecting the rights of others, caring for others and also standing up for our rights in the correct way. Some great discussions MI 🙂

Showing resilience in PE

Today in PE, we had some really tough team challenges to complete. Our first challenge was to order ourselves in various positions on including our birthdays, height and shoe size, without leaving the bench! Only one person was allowed to communicate which is always a tricky challenge in our crew!

We then moved onto ‘cross the river’ with the same rules applying. I was so impressed with how the children worked together, communicating silently to ensure they achieved their goal.

Challenge Crew

This week in crew we’ve had to work together to create a marble run, this was rather tricky and we had to show a great deal of resilience and determination to achieve our end goal. Leon was so proud his marble flew down his run!

Caring crew in MI

Today we thought about the people we can ask for help and support if needed. We created an anchor chart of these people in school and thought about how they help us. We then listened to a song and thought about the lyrics and the meaning behind the words. We loved unpicking this together and discussing our thoughts. We then had a go at singing the song 🙂 There were so many happy faces as everyone joined in and had a go. There was even a few hugs happening which was so lovely to see. We then thought more about our families and the people that show us support day to day. We voiced what these people do for us and why they are special.

Can you drop an egg without breaking it?

This weeks challenge was to create a structure to keep an egg safe when it was dropped from a given height. We had to think carefully about the materials we choose to ensure our egg remained in one piece. There were some wonderful creations, children thought about several factors which would determine their success including how to slow down the speed of the fall, would the base provide enough padding and which materials would be suitable to ensure a safe fall. It was a great success and only one egg had a minor crack! We can’t wait to see what our next challenge has in store for us!

What do we do when we face a challenge?

Today in PE we developed our teamwork skills, collaborating and communicating. This was key for the tricky challenges we had to complete as a crew. Our first challenge was to ‘cross the river’. The objective was to move across the river, however, we were only allowed to stand inside the hoops without touching the rest of the space on the floor. We could only move the hoops with our hands. It took a lot of communication and resilience!

Our second challenge, the spiders web! This involved a lot of planning and problem solving skills. We could only pass through each segment once, we had to explore how each crew mate could pass through each section without touching the web. I was so proud of the teamwork and resilience we displayed to achieve our goals.