Reliable rescuers ⛑🚑

In Scotty’s this morning, we continued to work on developing our teamwork skills. First, we had a warm up game where we worked as a team to reach the other side. Then, we had a go at making a stretcher to help rescue injured people. This required working as a team as we had to make sure we lifted at exactly the same time. We were all so pleased with our efforts today and can’t wait to take these skills onto the field.

Challenge Crew 🎶

In challenge crew today, we circled up and had to work together as a team to pass around the object without making a sound. We started with a tambourine and then tried passing round Mrs Bidmead’s lanyard. We had our problem solving heads on and soon came up with solutions on how to pass them round quietly.

Things that make us happy 😊

Today we explored the term ‘loneliness’ and how we can support ourselves when we may be feeling a little lonely. We had some really meaningful discussions around the vocab ‘alone’, which was our word of the day and ‘lonely’ comparing how some people like to have some alone time and how this is different to feeling lonely. Here are the things that we like to do to ensure we don’t feel lonely.

Leo loves a family games night and Thomas loves to go out for his tea with his family 😊

Chinese New Year 🐲🧧

As part of our expedition, we have been looking at Chinese New Year and the traditions associated with it. We looked at the tradition of giving red envelopes containing money to children to bring them good fortune, good luck and blessings. This tradition now extends to giving envelopes to extended family, friends and colleagues.

To spread good fortune, luck and blessings to our school community, we decided to fill red envelopes with chocolate coins to give to the adults in our school who help us and keep us safe. We worked together to fill them and then took them around school, wishing each crew a happy Chinese New Year.

Mindful Monday – Getting Along with Others 🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏻‍♂️✨

This week, we looked at ways in which we can get along with others. We discussed that sometimes people may feel sad or angry but that there are ways in which we can help those people, or ourselves, to regulate. We spent some time getting mindful, taking deep breaths to focus ourselves, as well as repeating positive affirmations.

We are geographers 🌍

During our expedition lesson, we had to piece together an image which was the map of the world. However, this map had new information that we hadn’t seen before. We learned that the Earth is divided into 7 divisions which are:

North Pole (Arctic Circle)

Northern Hemisphere

Tropic of Cancer


Tropics of Capricorn

Southern Hemisphere

South Pole (Antarctic Circle)

We then split into groups to do some research on one of the divisions before feeding back to the rest of the crew.