Citizenship crew in Crew Thompson

This morning we looked at what it meant to be “fit as a fiddle”. We investigated what it meant to be physically and mentally healthy where we were able to use our knowledge from Mindful Monday crew. We then looked at how we can keep our head, heart and muscles healthy. We came up with some great ideas for example, exercise for 30 minutes a day, eat your 5 a day, drink plenty of water, get lots of sleep and play with our friends. 🍎💧🏃🏻‍♂️ We then sorted out the different things into the correct box.

Challenge crew 👂🔂

In challenge crew, we played a game called jump in, jump out. First, we circled up and had to follow instructions “jump in” “jump out” “jump left” and “jump right”. We noticed some of us struggled with left and right so we had to work together and communicate to achieve this. Then, we moved onto a challenge and had to do what Miss Thompson said but chant back the opposite. For example if Miss Thompson said “jump left” we jumped left but had to say “jump right”. This definitely required lots of thinking and turned our brains on this morning 🧠🤔

Casualty rescue…

Thankfully we were saved from the rain yesterday and had our Scotties session in the hall. This allowed children to practice their casualty rescue. Children were split into the lift crew and of course the rest had to be an injured patient. They took it in turns and learned the importance of being a team. This was put to the test when Mick was the patient however they were successful because they worked together.

Challenge Crew ⭕️

Today we had a really tricky crew challenge! We were in two teams and the clock was ticking ⏰ we raced against each we other to untangle ourselves, during this challenge we developed our communication skills and problem solving skills, collaborating to untangle our very messy arms!

Citizenship Crew 🧍🏻❌

In crew this morning, we looked at what happens to my body and I can get help with any concerns. To be successful in this lesson we had to understand what sort of touch we are happy with and what sort of touch we are not happy with, know the difference between a little deal and a serious problem and know how to get help for myself or others. First, we looked at the choices we make at home, school and outside. Then, we used colours to highlight areas on our body which we were ok for people to touch, areas only our close family and friends could touch and areas that are private and only ourselves can touch.