This was the question that Crew Godley were eager to find out. We were exploring food chains and the question popped up that could a polar bear be eaten by a shark? The answer was yes! Greenland sharks 🦈 can survive up to 200 years at depths of up to 600 meters under the artic ice 🧊. They are bigger than a great white and been known to eat polar bears 🐻❄️. We were fascinated by the facts we discovered.
Category : Crew Godley 22/23
Developing our gross motor skills
Crew Godley have worked really hard this morning to develop their gross motor skills. We used our muscles we’ve been exploring in expedition to move across the trim trail.

Storytelling with EYFS
Crew Godley shared some our favourite stories with Crew McGone today. It was so lovely to see our younger children showing kindess and respect to each other. We all demonstrated lovely listening skills 📚🥰 and we can’t wait to return next week 🥰

Storytelling fun in Crew Godley
This week we have been sharing our favourite stories, we really enjoyed Handa’s Surprise yesterday so today we explored the fruits in the story. Can you guess what we tasted…… 🥑it had very mixed opinions! Michael had the happiest face however Dominic showed us his disappointment!

TutorMate Hangout
The children who access Tutormate had a lovely afternoon meeting some of the lovely volunteers who read with them each week. They spoke to their tutor, listened to a story and even told some jokes. It was lovely to hear the tutors talk about how well the children are doing with their reading.

Showing our kindness in Forest School
KS1 have shown kindness today by making some bird 🦅 feeders in this cold weather. We used fats and oils to create these. It was messy fun!

National Story Telling Week
In KS1 we will be exploring everything magical about the incredible world of books 📚🦄🪄🧚♀️🧟🏰 We would like to invite our children to bring in their favourite story book on Friday 3rd February. We will be sharing our favourite stories throughout the day 🥰

Crew Godley’s weekly round up!
We’ve had a very busy week in Crew Godley! From working hard in Maths, becoming mad scientists to using our senses in thera-play. We’ve had so much fun! Our crew also wanted to do a big shout out to Thomas and Evie for such a super week showing us that they are working hard, to get smart – completing all of their phonics week this work and recognising and ordering numbers to 20!

Bird watching in outdoor crew 🐦
This morning we have loved bird watching and seeing what birds are at Carcroft school.

February half term camp!
We have exciting news again, Active Fusion are hosting camps at out school in February half term (Monday 13th – Friday 17th February). Camps will cost £6 per day and children we need to bring their own pack lunch. The reason camps are charged this time is because Active Fusion are not receiving any funding from the government.
Please sign up using the link below: