Stewardship in KS1

As a School we have noticed that there is a lot of litter on our school site, this is not being kind to our environment and we believe something needs to be done about it!

KS1 went out with Titch to help make our site look beautiful and pick the litter up in outdoor crew sessions.

Witches and Wizards Disco

Don’t forget to sign up for the Halloween Witches and Wizards disco, taking place tomorrow. 

If you would like your child to attend please ensure you have signed up before 3pm today! Unfortunately we can not accept payment any later due to organising refreshments and staffing.

All children will enter through their classroom doors tomorrow for the disco at 3.30pm where they will be registered if payment has been made. We ask that children are collected at 4.30pm from their classroom doors.

Comparing numbers in KS1

Crew Godley mathematicians have been busy comparing numbers and exploring the language ‘greater than, less than and equals too’. We’ve used our crocodile 🐊 hands to help us.

We are scientists

Today in KS1 we started the science case study of our expedition. We started by completing a blast off and KWL chart about different materials before working in our crews to sort lots of different materials by their properties. Well done KS1, you impressed us all with your knowledge!

Our KS1 Historians became Lords for the day!

Imagine what it would be like to be at the top of the Feudal system ordering the peasants around! The KS1 children had this opportunity and took great delight in creating the ‘rules’ for the afternoon. The children took great delight in setting the rules and ordering their crew leaders to be at their beck and call. it was interesting to whip-round and ask children where they would have felt most comfortable in the feudal system, some preferred the craftsmen role and some even doing the the work when they took on the role of the peasants.