LKS2 Expert Questions! 🕵️🕵️

As part of Expedition, LKS2 generated questions to ask their experts about life during the Second World War. This is in order to better understand how war changes lives. The experts are extra special to Mrs Lewins and Mr Gerrard, as they are grandparents to each.

The excitement from the children was amazing to see, with lots of fantastic questions being asked. We generated a list in which all the children contributed a question to ask these special experts. The engagement was fantastic and we know these experts will share lots of amazing knowledge about their lives during the Second World War!

LKS2 Ration Plates! 🥬🍞🥚

Today, LKS2 looked into the consequences of rationing and how it worked. As part of answering our Guiding Question, How does war change lives?, LKS2 looked into the sharing of food during the Second World War. We learned that, due to rationing, the enemy tried to make us starve so that we gave up and surrendered. We learned that chocolate, much to our dismay, would only last a week. Despite this, there were many positives! Rationing stopped us from starving and we actually became healthier as a result of the food eaten!

LKS2 Blitz Learning! 🕵️‍♂️🕵️

LKS2 have had an amazing day, learning all about The Blitz. We have used various sources to learn about what The Blitz was, why it happened and how it happened. We have done notices and wonders around pictures, watched video clips, built anchor charts, read some information texts and made fact files. LKS2 really do know How War Affects Lives. Keep up the amazing work, crews. 

We have all created a wide variety of posters to show off this learning today and it is lovely to see so much beautiful work from Year 3 and 4. We also found it particularly interesting that during the Blitz, Buckingham Palace was bombed twice!

What a great start to the week, LKS2! 😆

LKS2 Beautiful work! 📝

LKS2 have created some Beautiful Work this week. We have been writing postcards, putting ourselves into the shoes of an evacuee. We really loved how the children used the vocabulary built up from our drama days to put into their writing. We noticed some great adjectives to describe their experiences. We loved how the children worked really hard to add feelings and emotions – these were great. The children have have critiqued each others work and edited; they have then made a best draft which they wrote up on to a postcard!

Music – Y3/4

This week we have started looking at Jazz music and how it was important during World War II. We identified the instruments used and began to learn the song ’We’ll Meet Again’, originally performed by Dame Vera Lynn. Keep an eye out for a sneak peek of our further practise of the song in the coming week!

LKS2 Tuesday 🕵️‍♂️🕵️

We started the day off with another active Crew. This time, we worked on building up trust, talking clearly and encouraging our crew mates. We had to walk with our eyes closed and give instructions of where to walk. We then debriefed with our steps to success and our feelings during this time.

During maths, we continued to work on place value by consolidating what we already new about base 10 representations and actual numbers. We worked together to solve these and showed how much we have become smart over recent lessons!

Then, it was Expedition for the rest of the day. We continue to delve deeper into how war changes lives! We explored the lives of evacuees. We watched propaganda videos and discussed whether the children were as happy as they looked. We had a silent conversation to see what we noticed and wondered about evacuees. Finally, we studied what would have gone into an evacuees suitcase and when children began to be evacuated to the countryside.

LKS2 Monday 😃

The first two days of this week have been busy, but we’ve started the week really settled and with a great attitude to learn. We started the week off by drawing someone who is a friend to us as part of Crew, to put a smile on the faces of our friends.

During our Expedition, we have have continued to build up our knowledge of the Second World War. We completed a KWL to share what we already knew about this interesting period of history and asked questions about what we would like to know. We continued to act out the life of an evacuee with the book Bombs and Blackberries as we shared our performances with the Crew and critiqued them with praises. Lots of praise being for expression and performing in front of others!