Today, Crew Hamill continued with their new writing genre: a character description. In this lesson we identified as much information about Augustus Gloop in order to be able to write a description about his appearance and his personality/attitude. We started our BBK by writing down everything we already knew about him, recalling information from our reading lessons (in which we focused on a poem all about him) and from our previous writing lessons (in which we wrote a narrative based on a short section of the film). We then watched some clips of Augustus from the film and used the to add further information to our BBK. Finally, we looked at some different images of Augustus at different points throughout the film and really drew our attention to his appearance so that we could add even more information and create a bank of vocabulary about his key features: eyes, mouth, hair and clothes. We are going to use all of this information in our writing next week to help us describe him in detail!