Book Talk – Non-Fiction

This week, Crew Hamill have begun to focus on non-fiction texts in our reading session. We focused on a double page spread from an information book all about the Mayans which links to our expedition. We began by discussion how we knew what this text was going to be about, drawing attention to the title of the double page spread: What happened to the Maya? We then continued with our focus of reading for accuracy and have used our rulers to guide our eyes as to the line we are reading and our fingers to guide to each word. We have practiced reading aloud as well as reading in our heads. Additionally, we have used our text marking skills to identify key vocabulary, key information and things that we find interesting, surprising or a connection to. We tested our recall of the vocabulary we identified by walking around the room and matching our vocabulary words to their definitions. We found some of these a bit tricky but were able to complete this successfully. We have also answered some vocabulary and retrieval questions with our talk partners to delve a little deeper into what we have read.