Today we looked at a poem linking to WW2. We enjoyed exploring the text today, unpicking language and text marking. Before reading, we looked at the text, thinking about what we noticed. We thought about how the text was laid out, what the pictures were showing and what the text reminded us of. We had some great discussions before we even started reading! We then looked more into the structure and layout, we looked at the title and the stanzas used. We thought about whether all poems have rhyming words and found some examples ourselves. From here we explored each stanzas, unpicking vocabulary and unpicking what the words actually meant. This was a great reading session where everyone was really engaged in the text. Our exit ticket allowed us to share our thoughts on the poem, we thought about if we liked the poem and if it evoked any feelings. We related our thoughts back to our expeditionary learning discussing some of the lessons we have already completed.