Book talk in MI

Our entry ticket allowed us to recap the text so far! We were all excited to tell Mrs McClare what happened on Friday! Mrs McClare then asked us a few questions, ‘Who was knocking at the door? Why did the man wear a turban? What is a merchant? Why did the man smile wickedly? Define concealed, what about slaughter? We then used our knowledge of the text to order events from the story in a sats style question. We then thought about what one of the characters may be saying and wrote out thought bubbles. This got us thinking about the next part of the story. We then moved onto reading the next part of the story where we used a partner read, echo read and independent read. Mrs McClare modelled using punctuation when reading. She gave us two examples then we voiced which was better and why. 

Our main part of the lesson today was looking at language in the text. We read different parts of the text and looked at different questions involving language. We unpicked how we answer the questions and where we go in the text to find the answers. 

Our exit ticket allowed us to think about one of the main characters and if she was right doing what she did. We gave our reasons for our answers.