This week, we have been focusing on a new book by Marcus Rashford called “You Can Do It”. We started the week by looking at the front cover and the blurb and pulling apart as much information as we could from what we could see and read. This helped us to understand a little bit more about what the book was about before we began to read any of it. Lots of us thought it might be a book about football due to the fact he is such a famous footballer. However, after reading the blurb, we were surprised to discover that it is actually about injustice and the injustices he has experienced first hand. Following this, we have pulled out a summary section on the first chapter and identified tricky vocabulary, making sure we can read all of these words and understand what they mean to support with our fluency. We also looked at our automaticity words and challenged a partner to read these automatically in a random order. We have then taken part in echo reading alongside our teacher and had another go at our words per minute challenge to see how close we are to the year 6 expected standard of 185 words per minute.