In our expeditionary learning we started to wonder about how we see and how light travels. We watched a variety of clips to understand the different parts of the eye, how they help us see and how these parts are similar to a camera. We even used pen torches (like a real nurse/doctor) to see how our pupils got smaller to let less light in.

We then took part in a scientific investigation where we explored the question, ‘How do we know that light travels in straight lines?’ We used given equipment to set up our investigation and worked well in mini crews, ensuring everyone had a role. After discussions and a debrief, we started to think about writing up our scientific reports and what we would need to include.

How do we see objects? You may just think its all down to our eyes but actually its light reflecting off objects into our eyes. We even explored green standard explaining how we see colour. Today we made our own periscopes to see around corners to further understand light and how we see.