Attendance- Holidays

Dear Parent/Carer,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to share some information regarding pupils taking holidays during term time.

This year we have seen a rise in the number of holidays taken during the school year, but in particular, this was more noticeable during the first two weeks of the school year. I completely understand that the cost of holidays is considerably cheaper during term time but I wanted to take this opportunity to share some information which may or may not support your decision as to when to take a holiday.

From this year, we are going to reduce the number of days in which we do ‘transition’ in the Summer Term and focus on transition during the first two weeks back in August.

The reason for this being, that completing transition during the last two weeks of the year when everyone is tired and usually hot and bothered is not having as much impact as we would like it to. Therefore, during the first two weeks in the new year, we are going to do all of our crew building activities which will also include off site visits so that transition will have the impact in which we want it to, which will ensure pupils feel fully connected with their crew including both staff and pupils from the off.

The reason I am taking this opportunity to share this now, is because a number of pupils were absent during the first two weeks of the current school year and I do worry about the impact this might have on a pupil returning to school, having missed the first two weeks and from next year, all of the transition work.

The Main Transition Period for pupils will take place from: Tuesday 29th August (1st day back after the summer break) until Friday 1st September.

I understand that I am not going to be able to stop parents from taking pupils on holiday during term time, however, I want to ensure that parents have all relevant information in order to inform their decision.

I fully understand that at the minute, holidays are more expensive and therefore parents are looking for ways to reduce the cost, hence why many decide to take children during term time. I have been looking for myself and I have noticed that they are considerably cheaper during the first week of the October half term, as we will be having two weeks, whereas many schools will only have one. Therefore, the first week of our two week break is much cheaper than going in the summer. This may be another option for parents to consider.

I understand that many parents find attendance a frustrating matter, but as the Headteacher of our school, it is my duty to try and ensure that pupils attend school well in order for us to support them to achieve their full potential.

From August, we will be issuing fixed penalty notices for any holidays taken during term time. I understand that for some parents, they are happy to pay the fixed penalty notice and again, I understand why. However, many Doncaster schools and schools across the country continue to do this and I feel that it’s something we too should be doing, as a way of demonstrating that we are doing everything we can in order to ensure that our attendance is in line with the national average.

As always, I am open to any questions/queries around attendance. I know it’s a really controversial topic and I fully understand parents’ frustrations around attendance. However, it is my duty of care to try and raise awareness of the importance of attendance and the correlation between good attendance and good academic performance and ultimately I want to work with families to support pupils to achieve well in all aspects.

Kind regards,

Kirsty Atherton
