Our first week back in Crew Mcloughlin was definitely filled with fun fun fun as we delved into our expedition hook week!
It had involved lots of lessons focusing on Art and Science to engage the children in their first expedition ‘The Magic of Motion: How have trains been on a journey of change?’ We began with a day of being pupils at Hogwarts and had lessons in the Defences against the arts, Transfiguration, Quidditch and Potions. Crew Mc particularly enjoyed the Transfiguration lesson where they completed various science experiments, turning solids into liquids
We also created beautiful art work using watercolours in our new fancy art sketchbooks. I am very proud of them with the work that they have individually produced!
In-between all the fun, Crew Mcloughlin have been working on our HoWLs and expectations ensuring we are the very best we can be. I have no doubt this will improve week on week
We are eager to get into our normal timetable and most of all… our trip to Harry Potter World!