Crew Wilson Weekly Review: 23.4.2021

We have had a brilliant end to our week in Crew Wilson. The whole crew have really thought about our reflections from the week and have strived to improve their listening and attention skills today, and we have all worked very hard in our lessons. Let’s keep this attitude up for next week and we will see our howl scores shoot up high again!

Howl Heroes:

Work Hard: This goes to Declan for his massively improved attitude towards his learning this week. Declan has tried so hard in all his lessons and has created some fantastic work, keep it up!

Get Smart: This goes to Aleks for his amazing listening skills. Aleks never needs a reminder for making the right choices and has worked so hard in his maths lessons this week, well done!

Be Kind: This goes to Debbie Mae and Luke for their wonderful collaboration in arithmetic today. They communicated well about what the question was asking them and made sure they both had an equal amount of turns with the number line and pens, great work!

Howl Average: 3.6

After a pretty poor week for Howl Scores, I am very proud to say that we have finally got back up to a respectable score of 3.6! Hopefully we will start getting a lot more 4’s across the board next week as we have pledged to work even harder, get even smarter and be even kinder! We can do it Crew Wilson, we just need to stop the chatting and crack on with our learning!

Have a lovely weekend everyone 🙂