Crew Wilson Daily Blog: 15.4.2021

Highlight of the day:

In our Write Stuff lesson today we were word collectors, using our knowledge of the characters in the Wizard of Oz to find lots of adjectives to use in our writing next week. I was blown away with some of the words that were given by the crew and we all worked really hard to make sure we had plenty ideas to help us with our writing!

Howl Heroes:

Work Hard: This goes to Jake, Daisy and Aleks for their brilliant contributions in Write Stuff – they all provided so many good describing words for each of the characters in the story, well done!

Get Smart: This goes to Luke and Perrie for their effort across all of our lessons today, they have both listened carefully and gone above and beyond in our tasks today, great work!

Be Kind: This goes to April for keeping her group on task in expedition and organising a cleaning squad to keep the classroom tidy, well done!

Howl Average: 3.4 – a slight dip from yesterday but targets have been decided for the crew to achieve those fab fours tomorrow!