Crew Gerrard (26/03/21)

What a super Friday to end our Spring term! Today, we finished our final assessment. I saw lots of determined faces during the test, which was great to see. Then we finished our plot point for our persuasive writing. I am happy to say that the challenge of increasing our pace was met – it was much better Crew Gerrard! Our HoWL Heroes are:

Work Hard: Kian for improving his handwriting during our English session – you concentrated so hard! 😁

Get Smart: Jolie for a superb plot point that was full of persuasive language! 😃

Be Kind: Skyler for helping out myself and Mrs Gilliland all day! 😄

Our HoWL average for today was 3.1 and was 2.9 for the week overall!

Have a lovely break Crew Gerrard and lets hope for a more settled summer term! 😆