Crew Wilson Daily Blog: 18.3.21

Highlight of the day: We had a bit of a change to our timetable today and had expedition as our first lesson of the day. In this lesson we practiced design technology skills in preparation for creating our final product, and worked hard at scoring, cutting, layering and bending card. I was absolutely blown away at how amazing the Crew’s listening skills were, they worked so hard and collaborated brilliantly together! Our visitors were very impressed with our learning and we had a fantastic lesson, well done everyone!

Howl Heroes:

Work Hard: This goes to Aleks today for his great work in expedition, Aleks listening carefully to the instructions and worked brilliantly in his group to practice those creative skills, well done!

Get Smart: This goes to Eva today for always being ready with an answer for every question I asked, and for using our working walls to help her remember what we have already learned about, great work!

Be Kind: This goes to Stevie today for being kind to her teachers by always being ready to learn, well done!

Howl Average:

3.9 – lots of 4’s across the board today, well done Crew Wilson! Let’s see if we can get a full house for the last day of our week 🙂