Crew Thiede 4.3.21

Today we have been mathematicians! 🧮

This morning we did some yummy baking with Mrs Rafter. We counted how many spoon fulls of flour and sugar we needed to make our batter, then we shared the mixture into bun cases. We were careful to make sure they were all the same! 🧁

This afternoon we explored the number 1. We worked so hard doing lots of fun things to help us understand it in lots of ways. We did 1 jump, 1 hop and even stood on one leg before using objects to show what 1 looks like.

One foot
Can you stand on one leg?

Keep your eyes peeled for more maths fun on This Week in the Phase! 👀

Today our HOWL score was 3! Well done, Crew! 👏🏻

Today our HOWL hero was Rose.🌹 She has been such a good example of our HOWL values today. Showing her good listening skills, helping her to get smart and being a role model to her crew!