Crew Elmer Daily Blog 03.03.21

Woeful Wednesday!

Today hasn’t been the best in Crew Elmer… we are all feeling very tired and are most certainly ready for the weekend. One more day guys! Hold in there!!

Star moment of the day:

Today’s star moment has got to be our ‘Hooked on Booked’ session. Today we trialed ‘echo reading’ and I was really impressed with how in sync the children were with each other and also how quickly they picked up the expression that I was used when I read the different sentences first! We will definitely be doing this again! I think we all enjoyed it that much! 😁👍📚

Todays HoWL average is: 2.9

A slight dip from yesterday but nothing too drastic! I think the dip is down to some children doing a little bit too much chatting in some lessons and not being wholly focused on their learning. After a quick chat in crew I am confident that we can sort this tomorrow!

This week’s HoWL target is: 3.0

How can we develop this tomorrow? 

Tomorrow we need to make sure that all crew members are focused on their learning and that we do a little less chatting during lesson times!

Today’s HoWL Hero: 

Today’s HoWL Hero was Bobby-Joe! Bobby-Joe is a quiet member of our crew but today he really stood out to the teaching staff in Crew Elmer. Bobby-Joe completed all of the work that was expected of him and participated well in every lesson. I am sure it won’t surprise you but Bobby-Joe was also one of the few who weren’t chatting in lesson times! He is a great role model to the rest of the crew because he always has his head down and is focused entirely on his learning and how he can ‘get smart’. Well done Bobby-Joe a great day for you as always! 🙌😁⭐👏