Daily Blog Crew Godley 02.03.2021

Terrific Tuesday ☺️

I’ve had a beaming smile on my face today, our crew have worked so hard collaborating and working hard to be kind to one another. We have had a few blips over the past couple of weeks however I felt today we’ve really come together to show we are truly ‘crew’. I have seen some fantastic collaboration in which children were working as a pair or a group to create rockets, play mathematical games and help one another solve phonics puzzles. I’m am so proud of you all and can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

This afternoon we shared a text, ‘There is an alien in my book’. We found that the alien was in a predicament just as the alien we are helping at school was. We decided it was time to get the alien home and there was only one way to do it! Get training to go into space, the children suggested we had to be really fit so needed to exercise daily. Children worked together to decide on what exercises we would need to do and we will continue to do these as well as our space mile 🏃‍♀️

HoWL heroes:

Today I gave our assistant crew leaders a little more responsibility. I asked them to observe throughout the day who they thought were demonstrating our HoWLS effectively.

Skyla and SJ worked so well together to decide who they thought deserved a HoWL.

They chose…..

Being Kind – Noah and Summer. They had observed these two children outside being kind to one and mother sharing resources without help from the adults. I was so pleased to hear this ☺️

I chose SJ for ‘getting smart’ as after a rocky start at phonics yesterday he absolutely blew Mrs Brown away today with his determination and resilience. Well done, SJ keep it up.

Todays HoWL score was an improvement on yesterday at 2.8. We are so close to that 3! The crew praised their peers for being so honest when reflecting on the day. Well done everyone ❤️