Crew Ferguson Daily Blog 22.2.21

Manic Monday! Today in crew the children have been straight back into learning and steaming ahead writing a non-chronological report. No rest for us as we start the new half term. We have come back rested and ready and the children have been little superstars all day. We haven’t stopped. 🙂  We have been pulling all our knowledge about castles and medieval times to create a report for the year 3 children to read. They are going to be amazed at our interesting facts!

We have then continued our expedition topic and looking at materials in science. We have sorted objects into groups and looked closely at how we can group certain objects using their properties. We have found rocks and stones would definitely be no good for building a boat!

The children have had a combined HOWL score of 2.7 today. Keep up the great work year 2!