Crew Nicholson 11.2.21

We had such a busy day in nursery yesterday! We had a lovely baking day to finish the week 👩🏻‍🍳🧑🏼‍🍳 We made heart biscuits for our valentine and we made pancakes for pancake day next week 🥞 We learn so much through baking activities and the best part is we get to eat them 😋 We covered maths skills when we measured the ingredients, trying to be careful to add the correct amount. We used a rolling pin to roll the mixture and a cutter for the heart shape which is good for our physical development 💪🏼 We discussed where the ingredients come from and observe what happens when we cook them. Sooo much learning 🤩

We continued our name writing practice, ensuring we are using the correct pencil grip and forming our letters in the right way. We have some children well on their way to being able to write their name without their name cards! Superb! 🤩

A group of children did some mark making with Mr Jones where we learnt to draw a dragon 🐉 We talked about the different shapes we would need and the features on a dragon such as his ‘prickles’ and fire out his mouth! Fantastic work!

Finally, it was a lovely surprise to walk into the classroom and be greeted with a huge ‘happy birthday’ from the children for my birthday next week. Thank you Mrs Godley and all the foundation staff for making it special 💕