What a half term!!
It has been busy but we have achieved a lot! I feel so proud about how far we have come in our writing lessons, and how easy we all find it to use extra grammartastics in our work! I cannot wait to read our next piece!
Have a lovely half term! Get lots of rest and come back well rested and ready for next half term 😊
✨Star moment✨
Star moment today was seeing the children enjoy themselves playing dodgeball, it was great to see them playing with new rules and adapt their tactics and game to win! Excellent Crew Marsh! 👍👍
Average is: 3.1!! 🙌
Our Weekly HoWL target is: 3.1
How can we develop this tomorrow?
Crew Marsh need to continue to make sure they are fully concentrating on their learning and listening to instructions, we have been chatty again today and I think this is effective our positive attitudes towards our learning.
Howl hero:
Get Smart hero today is Millie!
Millie has produced some beautiful work today! I have been really impressed with how neat your handwriting has been and how much care you have taken! 💕💕