✨Star moment✨

Star moment today was listening to the children’s ideas for their independent writing that we are starting this week, it was great to hear them use the story so far to think about what could happen next and think about what problem Marcus and his Dad might have to tackle. I can’t wait to read their finished ideas at the end of the week! ✔✏📖

Average is: 2.3 – There has been a lot of chatting in Crew Marsh today and not always having the best attitude towards learning, I am really hoping this is because we are tired and it is Monday… hopefully we are back to a 3 tomorrow! 🤞

Our Weekly HoWL target is: 3.1

How can we develop this tomorrow?

Crew Marsh need to continue to make sure they are fully concentrating on their learning and listening to instructions, we have been quite chatty, silly and not always having a positive attitude.

Howl hero: 

Work hard hero today is Millie! 🙌😊😊�

Millie has worked so hard today, she has really made an effort to ensure her work is neat and that she is finishing learning in the timings given. Well done Millie, this has not gone unnoticed. You are a role model in Crew Marsh! ✨💕😁