Crew Elmer Daily Blog 27.01.21

Wonderful Wednesday! 🤩

We have had another great day in Crew Elmer this week! The children have all been working really hard and striving to get Green Standard in as many lessons as they can as well as get 4’s in their HoWL scores! The children have also smashed their HoWL points target for this week which just shows how hard they have been working! Excellent work to both those crew members in school and those accessing remote learning! 👏🙌👍😁

Star moment of the day:

Today’s star moment of the day has got to be our maths lesson this morning. I was blown away with how quickly all crew members grasped the concept of dividing 3-digit numbers by 10. All crew members demonstrated an excellent understanding of place value and were able to use this to enable them to effectively divide numbers by 10! One of the best maths lessons so far! Excellent work Crew!

Todays HoWL average is: 3.0

Another good score today and it also means that we are on track to meet this week’s HoWL target! Well done Crew! Just two more days to go!!

This week’s HoWL target is: 3.0

How can we develop this tomorrow? 

All crew members need to make sure that tomorrow they are focused on their learning at all times. Some crew members have had to have quite a few reminders today and their behaviour in class. Hopefully tomorrow we can fix this! 🤞

Today’s HoWL Hero: 

Today’s HoWL Hero was all of the online children for their amazing work for the past 4 weeks, as well as the dedication and determination that they have demonstrated through this such difficult time. They are really missing their crew members and we are all aware how hard it must be to do their learning at home and not to be in school with the rest of their crew. So BIG praises to you all from all of us in school! 👏⭐🤩🙌😁