Book talk in MI

Today we used the next two pictures from the story for our entry ticket. We thought about what was happening in the pictures, what time of day we thought it was and how we thought the characters were feeling. We used our inference skills well here to discuss different ideas. We then read the next part of the story with our partners. We discussed our initial ideas and how these linked to what we had read. We thought about the noises being described and explained what these meant. We then tried to act our part of the story, putting ourselves in Lenny’s shoes. From here we used the page we had just read to answer an APE question. We made sure we answered the question, then proved it by using evidence from the text. We then used an independent read and chorus read for the next part of the story, thinking about why rhetorical questions were used and the impressions we now get of Joyce, one of the characters. Our reasons to read allowed us to explore ideas in more detail thinking lots about feelings of characters. Our exit ticket allowed us to think more of Lenny’s feelings, our main character. We again used evidence from the text to support our ideas. A great reading lesson MI 🙂