Do all liquids behave the same?

Crew Hamill have LOVED their first science lesson for Case Study 2 today. We recapped our sticky knowledge of solids, liquids and gases from the things we learned during hook week and took this knowledge forward to conduct an experiment about whether states of matter behave in the same way simply because they’re the same state. To begin, we made predictions on what we thought would happen. Once we had looked at the different liquids – water, oil, cornstarch and honey – we decided that they would behave differently due to some liquids being thicker than others. We predicted that they would move differently, with the thicker consistencies moving more slowly, and that if we dropped a marble in them, it would fall more slowly in the thicker liquids as they are stickier. We then poured each liquid into a glass container and made observations on what happened. We were correct in our prediction: the thicker liquids did pour more slowly into the container. After this, we dropped a marble into each liquid and observed what happened. As we’d predicted, the marbles dropped much quicker through the liquids that weren’t as thick – the water and the oil – and they moved slower, with some resistance, through the thicker liquids – cornstarch and honey. You can see if the videos below how this happened: