Another whirlwind of a day in Crew Wilson!
Highlight of the day:
We have been exploring Christianity as part of our expeditionary learning and today we learned all about how Christians follow Jesus and explored the story of his life. My highlight is from our class discussion about what we had learned, Daisy asked “So Jesus died on a zebra crossing?”. Not quite the right answer but it kept us entertained either way and we all appreciated the laugh, thank you Daisy!!
Howl Heroes:
Work Hard: This goes to Miami for her perseverance with her handwriting – today she has produced her most beautiful work to date,well done!
Get Smart: This goes to Jake today for showing off with his two enormous sentences in our morning writing task, great work!
Be Kind: This goes to April today for being kind to teachers by consistently showing green standard in the classroom, keep it up!
Howl Average:
Our average has taken a bit of a nosedive today but after some deep reflection this afternoon, the crew are confident we can get it back up to win a spin on the reward wheel, watch this space!