Year 5 and 6 Brochure Expedition
Dear Parents/Carers,
Did you know that your child has created a brochure that is going to be professionally published and distributed in and around the Doncaster area? It’s true, our Y5 and 6 pupils are going to have their fabulous hard work published and placed in the public domain for all to see!
Last term, Crew Mcloughlin, Fox, Gerrard and Kent, worked extremely hard in order to create a brochure which has been written for the people of Doncaster, encouraging them to visit the Carcroft area. The children discovered that Carcroft has so much to offer and often people are not always aware of this. Therefore, Y5 and 6 decided to create a brochure which will be shared across local businesses in and around the Carcroft area but also within Doncaster too, in order to attract visitors from a little further afield.
The children have worked as a Crew in order to create their own ‘crew brochure.’ They have worked together in a range of ways including in pairs and small groups, as well as working as a whole crew to finalise their ideas. As we had so many ideas to fit in, each crew have merged some of their ideas together to create the final draft. Again, this has taught the children the importance of ‘crew’ and ensuring that everyone plays a part in the creation of their shared product.
Mrs Fox has worked alongside the Design Team over at the XP Trust Headquarters in order to turn each crew’s draft version into a professional high-quality brochure with a glossy front cover and beautifully printed pages, ready to be shared with the wider world.
The children shared that they would love to be able to share their amazing work with people at home, therefore, we would like to offer parents and family members the opportunity to purchase one of these fabulous brochures so that people at home can also find out what Carcroft has to offer. The children discovered some real hidden gems when out and about on their ‘Carcroft Cruise’ and would love to share this information with their family and friends.
The price of each brochure is just £3.00 per copy with the school subsidising £2.00 for every copy purchased.
We feel extremely lucky to be able to work with the XP Trust in order to publish our children’s work in this way. I can’t wait to see their faces when they see how amazing the brochures look. It will also be such an amazing step forward for us as a school, to be able to share such high quality work with businesses in and around the Doncaster area. The children have made themselves and their families proud, we have some amazing talent at Carcroft Primary School and we want the world to know about it.
In order to purchase one of these very special first edition brochures, please complete the payment item on ParentPay with the correct amount for how many copies you wish to purchase ie; 1 copy £3.00, 2 copies £6.00.
Please may we ask that you complete the payment by the end of the day on Thursday 19th November ( a week tomorrow) so that we can ensure enough copies are printed.
Thank you in advance for supporting your child with this fantastic opportunity, I promise, you will not be disappointed.
Miss Laing