Book talk in MI

Today in reading we completed two entry tickets that allowed us to reflect on the previous stories we had read and then make predictions on the next story by using the title. We tried to make links to our current expedition and thought about what we already know about Africa. We then explored our new vocabulary, the language we would come across when reading our new story. We worked well in mini crews to do this. We then used a partner read and echo read when reading the text outloud. We text marked our new vocabulary as we read. We then moved onto some book talk questions where we use APE well to answer our impression question. We used evidence from the text to build our answer then made sure we linked our ideas back to the question. We are trying really hard in our reading sessions and our confidence is growing 🙂 Our exit ticket allowed us to think about what we thought is going to happen when the character is hunting. We even tried to explain our answers.