Crew Nicholson Daily Blog 3.11.20

What a fabulous start back to school we have had! I’ve been really impressed how the children have progressed with recognising their own name and they have been really keen to begin to write it too, practising their pencil grip and working really hard! If you can keep practising with your child at home to recognise their name this will really support them with their progress in school!

This week, we are doing some work around bonfire night, which the children have been really enthusiastic about! We have began to make our rockets with Mrs Mason, where we have discussed shapes and colours too! We had lots of fun mark making some fireworks today with chalk. The children experimented with different colours, drawing different lines and shapes.

At story time we listened to the story ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’. We then talked about what the Gruffalo looked like and what shapes we could see he is made up of, then had a go at drawing him. I was absolutely blown away with the work the children produced, they worked incredibly hard to form circles and lines. I can’t wait to see how well they progress with this 🌟


Working Hard – Riley-Jay

Riley-Jay works so hard to demonstrate the correct learning behaviours and always tries hard with his work. Well done Riley!