Happy Thursday! 😁 One step closer to the weekend and half term! 🙌
Star moment of the day: ⭐
Today I have been blown away by the pride and care that the children demonstrated when they were writing up their diary entries in neat ready for our ‘Expedition’ display. I feel like all children achieved a ‘4’ for ‘getting smart’ as all children produced some beautiful work that they should be very proud of! Well done Crew Elmer! 👏 I can’t wait to see this fantastic work 📝✏ on our ‘Expedition’ display! Watch this space! 📸
Todays HoWL average is: 3.3
WOW! Another fab day in Crew Elmer! It has also really helped having 15/16 children in today to avoid us getting lots of ‘1’s’. Well done for pulling together and working as a crew today to support each other in getting 3’s and 4’s across the board. This has certainly been a great week for HoWLs! Well done Crew Elmer! 🙌
This week’s HoWL target is: 3.0
How can we develop this tomorrow?
Tomorrow Crew Elmer need to make sure that they have a fab day despite it being off timetable and us all being in silly costumes! 🎃
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Would you believe it but today we had soooo many praises that we had to hold a vote! There were sooo many nominations for ‘kindness’ which was lovely to hear as this has been something that we have been working on as a crew. However, as a crew we voted for Laila as she has been supporting her crew members in class as well as making sure everyone was included in crew playtimes 💕 Well done Laila! 👍🤩👏🙌❤