Crew Nicholson Daily Blog 21.10.20

We have had such a busy day in nursery today! We have continued to explore Autumn and it is lovely to see the children enjoy their learning. Our pumpkin pictures are nearly finished and today Miss Nicholson brought in some pumpkins for us to look at. We passed them round, talked about the colours, the texture and where they grow 🎃🎃The children did really good at speaking and listening and used some fantastic vocabulary such as ‘smooth, cold, shiny, bright’. Tomorrow we may explore the inside of them! Watch out, it could get messy!

We used some of the leaves we collected yesterday to practice our fine motor and our cutting skills and gave the leaves a haircut! The children loved this and really worked hard to hold their scissors in the right way.

Some children then used the playdough to make Autumn pictures, such as giving a hedgehog a nose and rolling balls of playdough to make conkers. Manipulating playdough is a great way to help strengthen our fingers for writing!


Being Kind – Koa

Koa showed kindness in different ways today and showed me he is working hard to improve his HOWL average. His friend was poorly and whilst waiting for them to be collected, Koa stayed with him and wanted to make sure he was okay 🥰 Koa also helped me tidy the classroom after snack time without being asked. Well done Koa ⭐️