Crew Godley Daily Blog 16.10.2020

What another wonderful week completed in Crew Godley! Today, I have observed our children and I am so proud of the progress they are making in all areas of the curriculum. The children are so enthusiastic and eager to learn, we just need to keep this up by showing ‘Green Standard’ all of the time. I am sure we can achieve this as the children who find this tricky at times are being encouraged by their peers to do so. We all want to work together to ensure all ‘Crew’ members work hard and earn our whole class, crew rewards.

We began to put final piece of our expedition together today, we are so excited to present it in a few weeks time. SJ took on the role of official photographer to gather resources we need to present our work. SJ even identified the shapes we might need to use for our final product – square, semi circles, rectangles and even compared some of the shapes to pizza slices!

Our HoWL heroes today were Grace and Freddie.

Grace and Freddie were using resources in provision to ‘get smart’. Grace found number four which is her age, she was able to tell me how old she was on her previous birthday and how how she will be on her next birthday! Well done Grace!

Freddie was excited to find number three as this was his age last birthday, he confidently told me all about his 4th birthday and how he was excited to be 5 years old next year!

I was impressed with Grace and Freddie as they both spoke confidently and in clear sentences which is such an important skill to develop at this age. We had a lovely conversation with some great turn taking skills.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!I can not wait to see the children on Monday, we might even have a little surprise for them! I wonder what that could be.. 🧙🏼‍♀️