We’ve have had another great day in Crew Godley, even it has been a very wet one🌧 The children have worked so hard to try to achieve ‘Green Standard’ in all areas of their learning today 💚 We are constantly reflecting on what ‘green’ looks like and striving to get there.
Our HoWL heroes constantly demonstrated this standard, whether they were in a crew session, provision or working with an adult. They made me so proud!
The children who achieved this today were:
Keep up the great work you little ⭐’s
Highlights of today:
We have been focusing on patterns during the last week in Math’s. We made visual representations using concrete materials such as autumn objects and ourselves – we made patterns in quick math’s using ourselves for example sit down, stand up, stand up, sit down. We were able to organise ourselves without any help from adults until it came to checking we were right 😊 We had great fun! The patterns got trickier as we became more confident.
We then used pictures to create our patterns. This was a little bit harder as we had to ensure we kept repeating the pattern as we checked to make sure we were right.
During Quick Math’s today we consolidated what we had learnt during the week to create an abstract pattern using shapes – lines, circles and dashes.
Mark Making
The children have been applying their skills developed in RWI and have been practicing their letter formation. We even had some treasures maps labelled with initial sounds. It is lovely to observe the children becoming independent mark makers.
Fine Motor Skills
The children loved creating their initials with natural materials found in forest school 🌳 This made our little fingers work hard!
The day wouldn’t have been complete without a splash in the puddles outside! We had great fun playing ‘What time is it Mr Wolf?’. We were able to consolidate our counting skills and make sure we worked as a crew to defeat the wolf!
Have a great evening everyone! I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings ❤