Today is WMHD. We did lots of work around this yesterday with the children in school. But we have also linked our HoWLs work to it too. Over the last week or so, the children and staff have been really thinking about our HoWL ‘Be Kind’ both to ourselves and others.
As part of this work, Leaders tasked children to come up a with with a way that they are going to ‘be kind’ within their local community. This way, we can begin to discuss what it ‘looks like, feels like and sounds like’.
I received a cup cake from Crew Elmer who shared that this was to thank me for my hard work. Beaming with pride right now. It was such a lovely moment. It made me smile, feel proud of Crew Elmer and made me realise how delivering acts of kindness can have such an impact on people. It made me smile for the rest of the day. Thank you Crew Elmer.
Let’s keep being kind to each other. After all, that’s what ‘Crew’ is about. Keep an eye out to find out what your child’s Crew have completed as their act of kindness.