Crew Welburn’s Weekly Reflection


What a fantastic week we have had in Crew Welburn. The children have been kind and caring towards each other and have really shown that they are working hard 😁

Highlights from the week:

Expedition – DT:

Our expedition work has really hooked the children in this week. They have shown how well they can work in pairs to listen to each other and have worked really hard to create physical features for our community model.


World Mental Health Day:

The children have had so much fun today. We have learnt lots of different ways to help keep our minds healthy. We listened to each other’s ideas about how to make each other happy before printing our hands and writing these on, and we did some yoga to help us to clear our minds. The children really enjoyed yoga!

Our HOWL Heroes:

Work Hard: Harrylee

Get Smart: Bronwyn

Be Kind: Kyden

This week’s Learning Legend:

This week’s Learning Legend is Elijah.  Elijah has been such a fantastic role-model for our be kind focus this week in Crew Welburn. He always includes children in his crew so that they do not feel left out, he shows kindness towards adults by listening and following instructions, and he is always willing to do extra jobs to make sure out team base is tidy and ready for the next lesson. I couldn’t ask for anything more Elijah!

Today’s HoWL average is: 3.4 ✅

This weeks HoWL average is: 3.1 ✅

Weekly HoWL target: 3