Crew Longley – 09.10.2018

Wow! What a week. We have been super busy this week, learning, creating, relaxing and being kind.

Today’s HoWL average is: 3.4

Our Weekly HoWL average is: 3.0

Our Weekly HoWL target is: 3.1

How can we develop this next week?

Next week, Crew Longley will work on listening to instructions carefully.

Today’s HoWL Hero:

Our Howl Hero today is Kaitlynn! Well Done! Kaitlynn really does try hard across subjects and really sets the tone in terms of kindness!

Learning Legend:

Our Learning Legend is Ruby S.

Ruby is an absolute pleasure to have in our crew. She bounces in to class each morning with a wide grin and really enjoys learning.
Ruby has shown determination with her presentation and really tries to work hard and become smarter.
My favourite moment is seeing Ruby smile and looking proud as she achieves the learning and helping her friends to do the same. She really is the definition of a great crew mate!
Well done Ruby!


Click the link to visit our exciting expedition website to find out more about the lovely expedition learning

Attendance: 93.49%

This is working towards the target attendance of 97%.