Crew Elmer Daily Blog 06.10.20

Terrific Tuesday! 🤩 (As suggested by Sienna!)

Despite it being another wet day today 🌧 and having a timetable change and a few interruptions including photographs 📸 we have had a successful day in Crew Elmer! 👍

Star moment of the day: ⭐

Today I praise how hard children worked in ‘The Write Stuff’ today to piece together a diary entry from the mining era. The children were also great at identifying the key features including the date, dear diary, introduction, past tense, key facts, feelings, who it was from, informal tone, paragraphs etc. Great work Crew! 👏

Today’s HoWL average is: 2.7

This is a little bit lower than yesterday but I feel that this is down to several children in our crew being really honest about being unkind at lunchtime today. I praise your honesty Crew Elmer. 👍

This week’s HoWL target is: 3.0

How can we develop this tomorrow?

Tomorrow Crew Elmer need to make sure that we are continuing to ‘be kind’ at all times especially at play times and lunch times as this seems to be where most problems are arising, especially when it’s wet. Remember our rules for ‘playing kindly’ at crew times. 💕

Today’s HoWL Hero:

Crew Elmer nominated Laila for being our ‘kind’ ‘HoWL Hero! I praised this young lady for her kind comments during PE today when children were evaluating each others dens. Her praises for Kacey-Leighs den were lovely. 💕 Lots of crew members also said how lovely Laila had been at break and lunch times which was also pleasant to hear. Well done Laila! ❤🙌👏👍😊