Crew Elmer Daily Blog 05.10.20

Happy Monday! 😊

Despite it being a miserable Monday to start with 🌧 it didn’t take long for the sun to start shining in Crew Elmer! ☀

Star moment of the day: ⭐

Today I praise how AMAZING Crew Elmer have been ALL day today! 🤩 However, the ‘star moment’ of the day for me was the questions that the children generated to ask our expert when we do a ‘meet and greet’ session on Thursday. The excitement 😁 that the children showed when I told them that they would be meeting a real life miner was unreal and then the thoughtful questions that they listed relating to mining were excellent. Watch this space for a list of our fabulous questions…

Today’s HoWL average is: 3.0

This is a great score for a Monday and also means that we are on track for getting a spin on the wheel if we keep this up! 💪

This week’s HoWL target is: 3.0

How can we develop this tomorrow?

Tomorrow Crew Elmer need to make sure that we are continuing to ‘be kind’ at all times especially at play times and lunch times as this seems to be where most problems are arising. Remember our rules for ‘playing kindly’ at crew times. 💕

Today’s HoWL Hero:

Crew Elmer nominated Esme for being our ‘kind’ ‘HoWL Hero! This girl has played really nicely with her crew at break and lunch times today and this was recognised by lots of the crew. I have also noticed Esme volunteering to hand books out, hold doors open, support children with their learning and use her manners when speaking to her crew members. Keep this up Esme, you are setting a really good example to the rest of us! 👏👍🙌😊❤