Hello everyone!
Another busy day done in Crew Thiede 👍🏻
Highlight of the day
We started our day off with a cojo challenge where we worked on our speaking and listening skills.
In maths we continued on our work with comparing numbers using ten and one frames and our mathematical symbols.
During the Write Stuff we explored the stars and imagined what our dream playground would look like.
In the afternoon we worked on our computing skills.
Today’s HOWL score was 3. This means that our score has dropped again. Although this isn’t the way that we want to go, the children were very honest about their personal scores which is a real positive.
Tomorrow our crew average score goal is 3.2.
Our HOWL heroes today were…
Work hard
🌟 Harry for his hard work throughout the day and trying his very best in all his learning
Get smart
🌟 Jake for using his equipment to help with his maths learning
Be kind
🌟 Talia for supporting her friends and encouraging them to be their best