What a busy day we have had in Crew Godley today with so much learning and fun going on 😊
Highlights from today:
RWI (Read, Write, Inc)
I was absolutely blown away by the progress the children are making in their RWI sessions. Somany children had remembered most of their sounds and we had lots of children who are becoming confident when blending sounds together to make words. Fred, our RWI Frog is only able to speak in sounds, not whole words. We call this Fred Talk. For example, Fred would say ‘m-a –t’ we would say ‘mat’. Fred talk helps children read unfamiliar words by pronouncing each sound in the word one at a time. … The following video is an example of blending sounds with Fred.
We are exploring the text, Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
We discussed what makes us special and why our friends and family love us, we also thought about how we can show our family and friends that we love them. Sydney shared that her Mummy and Daddy love her because they are always giving her kisses and cuddles ❤ she drew Mummy a picture to show her that she loved her.
Here is Miss Ferguson sharing the story.
Our HOWL Heroes:
Work Hard:
These children worked extremely hard in RWI and even asked if they could do some more phonics in the afternoon 😊 Well done, keep up the great work, your positive attitude was fantastic!