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Crew Elmer Daily Blog 25.09.20

Happy Friday People! 🙌

Yay! 😁 Today we have definitely been experiencing that ‘Friday Feeling’ in Crew Elmer! 🤩 Mrs Elmer is very much looking forward to some much needed sleep 💤, being able to eat my breakfast sitting down 🤣 and of course spending time with my little family 💕 It was lovely during Crew to hear about all the exciting things that Crew Elmer will be up to this weekend: baking, playing football, biking, going to the park and much more! Have a fab weekend Crew Elmer and a much deserved rest! 💆‍♀️💆‍♂️

Star moment of the day:

Today I spent most of the morning with Miss Laing looking at ‘The Write Stuff’ across LKS2 which in itself was pretty much a star moment of the day! However, it was lovely when I came back to class to see and hear all about the excellent work Crew Elmer had been doing in Science this morning. There were some fantastic illustrations showing ‘changing state’ from water to ice cubes to steam. Children used the correct scientific vocabulary including ‘particles’, ‘vibrate’, ‘collide’, ‘freeze’, ‘melt’ etc. They were also great at explaining the process to me too! Great work Crew Elmer! I wonder if you could freeze some water this weekend and make your own ice cubes? Or even watch a grown up boil the kettle and see the steam that comes out? Remember not all of your learning has to happen in the classroom! Here are a few photos of the children’s great work!


Today’s HoWL average is: 3.1

Today our Crew average is back up there! 🙌 I believe that this is down to so many children trying to ‘work hard’ at all times today and lots of children using kind words, which has been much nicer to see! 😊

This week’s HoWL target is: 3.0

How can we improve this next week?

Next week, Crew Elmer still need to continue to work on all three HoWLS. Children also need to remember to use kind words and as I said today… ‘if you haven’t got anything nice to say then please don’t say it’, as well as ‘think before you speak’! I am really hoping that next week ALL of Crew Elmer can be kind to each other EVERY day! 🤞

Today’s HoWL Hero:

Crew Elmer nominated Sienna for our class HoWL hero for ‘working hard’ ALL day! Sienna has achieved ‘Green Standard’ in EVERY lesson today and despite Mrs Elmer not being in the classroom at times she continued to try her best and stayed focused on her work, despite others around her being noisy! Well done Sienna! 👏


Learning legend: 

Firstly, I love that this was a total surprise to this little lady today! Thank you to her mum for keeping quiet 👍 It was lovely to see the surprise and smile on her face! 🤩

This girl might be quiet but she never goes unnoticed. She always tries her absolute best and has developed the confidence to ask her peers and adults when she isn’t sure. She comes to school ready to learn and always gets on with every task given to her. She has also been getting incredibly smart this week achieving ‘Green Standard’ in several lessons. Finally this lovely young lady is always kind to others, she plays with all of her crew at crew playtimes and is happy to help in the classroom, holding doors open, tidying the classroom and handing out books. It has been a great week for Laila. Well done Laila, you really are a ‘Learning Legend’! 🥇👏👍🙌🤩
Weekly overview: 

The children have had a great week in Crew Elmer this week. They have learnt lots, done lots of celebrating (spinning the wheel for our average HoWL score, celebrating daily HoWL Heros, celebrating the Golden Ticket winner for handwriting and finally celebrating our Learning Legend!), and produced some beautiful work for our Science and Expedition displays! Well done Crew Elmer! The children’s maths knowledge is continually growing and this week we have really tackled number lines and different intervals well. In ‘The Write Stuff’ children have been writing their own stories using the FANTASTICS. In Science they have learnt more about changing state (hopefully next week they will get to see this! 🤞) and in Expedition we have been exploring Carcroft community looking at who is in it and what they bring to the community. In Spanish the children have learnt some basics which I can’t wait to test when we do the register next week! Finally in PE the children have been working as ‘mini crews’ in relay races and scavenger hunts! What a busy week! Next week I am hoping for us to squeeze in some more computing and music!

Crew Attendance: 

Our latest attendance was 95%. This is an improvement on last week and it means that we are even closer to achieving the minimum expected standard (97%)!