Crew Longley – Weekly Review

Wow! What a week.

We’ve had a great week in Crew Longley, but we are definitely ready for the weekend! 🤩 We have all certainly earned our work hard badge this week. We have even had visitors to see our learning this week.

Star moment of the day:

Today’s star moment goes to Alkim today. Seeing him so engaged with his writing was fantastic and I loved hearing him read his repetitive sounds. If you see him this weekend ask him to tell you Thump! Thump! Thump!❤️

Today’s HoWL average is: 2.9

Today our Crew average is back up there! 🙌 I believe that this is down to so many children being engaged in their learning today and really trying to impress when Mrs Elmer and Miss Laing came to visit. Well done Guys

This week’s HoWL target is: 2.7

This week’s HoWL average is : 2.7

Today the chidren had a visit from Mr Tucker and Miss Whitehead, who praised the children for being honest with their HoWL scores. They have certainly embraced the system and are determined to beat our target next week and have a spin on the Howlopoly wheel. Who knows they might even get to cream pie Miss Laing (but hopefully not me! 😂)

How can we improve this next week?

Next week, Crew Longley need to continue to ‘work hard’, ‘get smart’ and ‘be kind’. I would especially like to see EVERYONE in Crew Longley being kind and trying to improve our crew, school and community environments.

Today’s HoWL Hero:

Crew Longley nominated Keaton for HoWL Hero today for ‘work hard’. Keaton sometimes finds it hard to get started, but today has really worked hard to produce some interesting work. Well done Keaton!

Learning legend: 

Where do I even begin with our ‘Learning Legend’ for last week?

Our learning legend is Isabella!
She has really blossomed this week. Isabella has been working hard to improve her learning across all the subjects and has really been keen to share their thoughts and opinions. My favourite moment was seeing Isabella reminding her crew to work hard and explaining how they could improve. Well done Isabella.

Weekly overview: 

This week we have continued to get smart in Crew Longley, but also continuing to develop our crew bond. In crew this week, we have worked in teams to complete Cojo challenges, created a carrot car and made a stunning video to show what it means to work hard in Crew Longley.


Across English, we have been continuing to write with the help of our writing rainbows. We are starting to seem some really beautiful writing emerge. We just need to work on our spelling a little more.


Comparing and ordering numbers has proved a little tricky this week, but I have absolutely loved the perseverance the children have shown to really crack these objectives. We even have some budding mathematicians developing a real love of mathematical learning. 👏❤️

Our theme learning has helped us to understand communities and some of the key people in them. We are hoping to complete some fact files to display on our expedition website (along with some other exciting elements). We have completed computer programming challenges and learnt about the life cycle of a plant. We have even continued to learn Spanish and are trying to answer our feelings check in with a Spanish answer.


Layton Community Heroes Video

One of our guilty pleasures each week is spending some time reading our class text. We have been meeting the characters and exploring the idea of refugees and how they settle into their own crew.

Crew Attendance: 

Our latest attendance was  99%.  ✅ This means that we are above the minimum expected standard (97%) this week!