Hi all,
Star moment of the day:
Today Crew Shields have really modeled the work hard expectation today. I was really proud of them when we had visitors in our class and they saw children on task and trying their best. Lets keep this going next week.
Today’s HoWL average is: 2.9
How can we improve this tomorrow?
Next week, Crew Shields need to work on ensuring they are consistent with our work hard, be smart and be kind expectations.
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Our work hard hero today is: Kaleb!!
Kaleb has been working hard to ensure that he is following the expectations. This is something Kaleb doesn’t always find easy but he has tried so hard. He has also completed all his learning with some support. His crew were very proud of him and agreed that he should be our hero today!
Learning Legend:
IJ –
Summary of the Week:
During this week, Crew Shields have had many highlights this week and I have been very proud of the accomplishments they have achieved, We have been trying to build on our working in a group skills and this is something we will continue to do as we move through Year 3. I have been really impressed with the children’s independence with writing and I love that they are using more of their own ideas and not relying on my model. I can see the children’s confidence continuing to grow and they are developing their independence. I’m sure we will continue being amazing next week.
Weekly Attendance
Crew Shields Attendance – 96.25%
Our target is 97% so we are just slightly below the target. Lets work hard Crew Shields to meet the target next week.